
10 Cat Facts that Will Make You a Crazy Cat Person

Cats have been living alongside humans for over 9,000 years, and there are now estimated to be 600 million cats living in homes worldwide. Given how popular these pets are, it’s no wonder that cat facts are so widely shared on the Internet. We scoured the web to find some of the most interesting facts about cats, and present them here in this list of 10 facts about cats. If you like cats or know someone who does, you will love this list!

1) Cats were worshiped in ancient Egypt

Cats have been worshiped in ancient Egypt and were revered as gods. The Egyptians considered cats to be the embodiment of all good, because they helped protect their homes from vermin, hunted snakes, and protected them from evil spirits.
The word cat comes from the Latin word cattus. This is where we get the word cattery for a place where cats live.
A house cat will typically eat about one pound of food per day.

2) In Europe, black cats were bad luck until the Middle Ages

In Europe, black cats were thought to be bad luck until the Middle Ages. Traditionally, in parts of England and France, people would pay tribute to the goddess of death by wearing all black and carrying a dead cat on their doorstep on New Year’s Eve. But as the idea of death changed during the Middle Ages, so did attitudes about black cats. In fact, in some cultures they’re still considered good luck!

3) The most popular cat name in the U.S. is Oliver

Oliver is the most popular name for cats in the U.S., according to data from the American Veterinary Medical Association. In fact, Oliver has been at the top of this list since 2014 and it’s not showing any signs of slowing down. It was followed by Charlie, Max, Leo, Bailey, Lucy, and Tiger.

4) Black cats are often adopted less than others, so consider adopting black ones if you want one

Black cats are often adopted less than others, so consider adopting black ones if you want one! Black cats are just as affectionate as other colors and also need love. They have historically been associated with bad luck because of their association with witches. In the Middle Ages they were hunted or killed to protect against evil spirits, or even worse: in 16th-century Scotland they were considered the familiar spirits of witches and wizards who used them to do their bidding.

5) Some people believe a feral cat named ‘Smokey’ was responsible for saving many lives during the 9/11 terrorist attacks by keeping rescue crews warm and fed over several weeks

Cats are known for being independent and aloof, but Smokey is the exception to the rule. In 2001, when he was just 5 months old, Smokey wandered into Manhattan after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He spent the next 17 days at Ground Zero, keeping rescue crews company and providing emotional support.

6) Cats can recognize their owners through smell alone

Cats have an amazing sense of smell. In fact, they can recognize their owners through smell alone! This is because cats have over fifty times more scent receptors in their noses than humans do. Cats use the scent to mark their territory and find food or stay away from danger.

7) Cats have their own language called meow. They also use purring as a way to communicate emotion.

Cats have been domesticated for more than 5,000 years and are one of the oldest pets on the planet. They were originally kept as mousers in Ancient Egypt, but over time people began to view them as companions. Cats have their own language called meow. They also use purring as a way to communicate emotion.

8) Pallas’ cats are the smallest wildcats on Earth, only weighing three pounds

Pallas’ cats are the smallest wildcats on Earth, only weighing three pounds. These tiny predators live in deserts and grasslands of Central Asia. They are also known as desert lynxes for their thick fur coat which protects them from extreme heat and cold. Pallas’ cats can be found sleeping in sand dunes during the day, but at night they hunt for small mammals like rats and mice to eat.

9) All kittens are born blind

  • All kittens are born blind, deaf and toothless. They start to develop hearing after about ten days and their sight at around two weeks of age. At three weeks old, they grow teeth, which they need in order to eat solid food.
  • Cats are good hunters because they have great night vision and their eyes reflect light which helps them see better in low light environments. This is because cats only have one layer of tissue underneath the retina called the tapetum lucidum.

10) Recent studies have shown that cat owners tend to live longer than those who don’t own pets

One of the reasons for this is likely because owning a pet has been linked to lower stress levels and depression rates. Plus, pet owners are less likely to develop heart disease or high blood pressure than non-pet owners, which is great for your health! However, it’s important to note that being a cat owner doesn’t guarantee your health.

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